Creating of
The Brand Called Maahi
Maahi is the milk brand owned by the milk producers of Kutch Saurashtra. In the end of 2013,Maahi was struggling to create a position for itself in the market. Zebra Idealab was hired in 2014 to reposition, revitalize and enliven brand Maahi. Zebra idealab found that the Logo of Maahi appeared old fashioned and did not represent the vibrancy & energy of over a lakh of milk producers. Zebra Idealab designed a new logo, completely changed t the packaging of the entire product range of Maahi Milk. A new radio jingle was written and composed. New Packaging desings, new look & feel, collaterals, radio content, outdoor campaign coupled with a powerful rural marketing strategy was effectively rolled out.
Old Logo
New Logo
Brand Consolidation
On account of the impact and connection of the content created by Zebra Idealab, the marketing strategies employed brand Maahi reached a daily milk sale of 4.5 litres from a mere 60,000 litres per day. Brand Maahi remains Zebra’s aahuti to the lives of over one lakh milk producers of Kutch and Saurashtra. We are happy to have touched the lives of a million people.
Brand Mascot
The Brand Mascot was designed
by Zebra Idealab in 2015.
The mascot in a young boy
sybolizing happiness,
health, growth and a sense of
responsibility that Mahi feels
towards the society.
This mascot represents Maahi’s
dedication to better
health, wealth & alround
happines through
its endeavours.
Allround Visibility & Better Connect
Brand Maahi was more visible across all mediums. It communicated impactfully in both language and sentiments with its customers. Brand Maahi could successfully connect its core beliefs like a authenticity, transparency and dedication to the cause of milk producers and the consumers.